Tanishk_Ojha This thread will cover various micro and small-cap stocks - which are relatively undiscovered by markets. The basic criteria would be - Promoter holdings > 50% and Market Cap > â‚ą50 crores.
Tanishk_Ojha 1. ICDS Limited During the year under review the Company has earned income of 21,420 thousand as against10,990 thousand in the corresponding previous year. The Income for the year basically consists of Rental receipts, Commission from Insurance related activities, Trading activities of shares and debentures, Dividend and Interest. The operating expenses for the year is 16,049 thousand as against15,682 thousand in the previous year. The Company had stopped NBFC business after the filing of scheme of arrangement with the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka Bangalore.
Tanishk_Ojha 2. LAXMI COTSPIN Your Company engaged in the manufacturing of cotton yarn, cotton bales, oil cake and oil seeds. Indian cotton prices were very high in the FY 2022-23 as compare to US cotton hence there is no parity in the exports of the yarn, resulted many big domestic players dump their yarn in Domestic market hence yarn market becomes very competitive. There was no parity in cotton yarn for whole year. Financial year 2022-23 Was very tough year for textile industry due to various factors, like high prices of raw material resulted to no parity in the export of cotton yarn disturb the whole textile sector. One more factor that disturbed the spinning industry, that farmers hold their crop in the FY 2022- 23, generally they sold out their cotton after diwali but this time till June 2023 they have not bring their cotton to the ginning. Hence prices of raw material were skyrocketed. For every spinning industry raw material plays vital role, now we are expecting the things cool down from here onwards and we expect normal cotton season in the FY 2023-24. This year we have enhanced our godown capacity of raw material by constructing 18000 sq feet new godown in the company premises with NABARD support. Current Mkt Cap - â‚ą50.8 crores LAXMI COTSPIN LIMITED has been recently recognized as a STAR EXPORT HOUSE BY MINISTRY OF COMMERCE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. We are manufacturer of yarn and we have an existing Ring spinning & open-end unit to cater to the yarn markets in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Our business is spread among home textiles, weaving sector, Denim Manufactures and hosiery manufacturers through open end yarn and ring spun yarn. we are manufacturing premium quality 100% cotton combed and carded hosiery/ warp conventional, organic and BCI yarn in count range of 10s Ne to 40s Ne for the purpose of exporting to Asian and European countries. Company was established in year 2008 with a capacity of 13200 spindles. Over the years we have expanded upto 16800 spindels with compact, lycra and slub attachment. Addition to this we have set up open end unit with 1824 Rotors. The Central government has recently approved the dry port for handling the export containers located near Jalna, this will reduce the cost of logistics for exporting the yarn.
Tanishk_Ojha 3. HP COTTON TEXTILES MILLS The Company has posted a loss during the financial year ended March 31, 2023, the main reason for loss/inadequacy is due to volatility in cotton prices and global recession resulting from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, thereby reducing the performance of the Company. The Company operates in only one segment i.e. manufacturing of Threads. The Company deals in production of two types of thread i.e. Sewing Threads and Hosiery Yarn The production of Sewing Threads has decreased by 44% than the previous year to 8,74,095 kg as compared to the production of the previous year of 15,60,918 kg. Further, the product turnover has also decreased by 37.7% than the previous year to INR 7,696.23 lacs as compared to the previous year’ turnover of INR 12,351.93 lacs. There was no production of Hosiery Yarn during the FY 2022-23. Current Mkt Cap - INR 51 Crores.
Tanishk_Ojha 5. ASHIRWAD STEELS AND INDUSTRIES [upl-image-preview url=https://www.cosmicinvestor.com/assets/files/2024-04-16/1713280929-923674-image.png] UPDATE -->
Tanishk_Ojha 6. UMA CONVERTER We, UMA CONVERTER LIMITED have been pioneering in the innovation of sustainable packaging since a decade and have range of products which have been engineered using Biopolymers & Eco Coatings. We are making Ropes from the Trim wastage of our products. We have also executed a service agreement with Ambuja Cements Limited for disposal of plastic waste in an environmentally friendly manner in the cement kiln process at high temperatures and long residence time, while simultaneously manufacturing cement of desired quality. IPO in 2022 - INR 33. Announcement - 9th August 2023 [upl-image-preview url=https://www.cosmicinvestor.com/assets/files/2024-04-17/1713319231-677981-image.png] UPDATE -->
Tanishk_Ojha 7. TAPI FRUIT PROCESSING Tapi Fruit Processing Limited was earlier started as “Tapi Food Products” a home scale food processing industry in May 1999 by its Founder Director Ghanshyam Lukhi as a Proprietorship firm. Over the years TAPI has developed PAN-India distribution network and well-established brand that has enabled us to increase market penetration and expand our footprint across India and exports in more than 20 countries worldwide Current Mkt Price - INR 129
Tanishk_Ojha 8. GOEL FOOD PRODUCTS 2022- IPO - INR 72 - OFS + Fresh Issue Goel Food Products Ltd is in the business of Banquets, Hotels, and catering industry. https://www.bika.co.in/about-us
Tanishk_Ojha 9. BOMBAY CYCLE AND MOTOR AGENCY During the year under review 2022-23, revenue from Auto division was Rs. 351.00 lacs as compared to Rs. 301.34 lacs in previous year 2021–22. Revenue from the Hospitality division stood at Rs. 512.02 lacs as compared to Rs. 285.27 lacs in the previous Year 2021-22. Profit before Interest and Tax from Auto division stood at Rs. 243.83 lacs and from Hospitality division stood at Rs. 57.59 lacs.
Tanishk_Ojha 10. SILGO RETAIL Your Company is engaged in the business of trade, manufacture and sale of silver jewellery, precious stone. It offers wide range and variety of jewellery including hallmarked silver jewellery with a focus on certified silver jewellery to cater not only to wedding jewellery but party and daily wear also.
Tanishk_Ojha 11. SIDDHIKA COATINGS Siddhika is an authorized marketing agent & applicator for SK Kaken Ltd., Japan. With an association with SKK for more than a decade we have been a reputed name in the business of Architectural Coatings Supplies & Application. As of now we are one of the, probably the oldest applicator of SKK in Indian market. We are India's largest texture paint contract company in single brand segment. Siddhika is marketing & application partner for SK Kaken Ltd. Japan, having its headquarter based in New Delhi and more than 10 branches all over India including Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata & Chennai. In association with SKK for more than 20 years, Siddhika has been a reputed name in the business of Architectural Coatings, Supplies & Application. The company is managing more than 5 million sq. ft. of contract work annually with SKK Products. Our co-ordination team is headed by professionals having good experience in the business segment & SKK products. Our key expertise is to manage facade paint contracts & renovation jobs for building facades. With all infrastructure like RSP / Gondola, Scaffolding, Heavy duty tools & multiple team combinations with engineers & experienced facade workers along with 100% assurance on safety and compliance we are always in a better position to execute & manage delivery on normal as well as challenging facade contracts. Our clientele on one vertical includes most of the prominent architects & developers along with many major institutions, IT Companies, Business Park Developers, Hospitality Leaders and on other vertical we work with Japanese Main Contractors who are prominent players in Indian construction market. Support of our clients keeps us going & we continuously thrive to maintain our relationship with existing clients to ensure value addition on their projects. We take proud in the fact that almost 60% of our business comes only from repeated clients year on year. We target to double our quantum of work in next 3 years with expansions on territorial grounds and product portfolio while following our policy of no conflicting products in same segment.
Tanishk_Ojha 12. EARTHSTAHL AND ALLOYS During the year under review, your company has expanded the CI Lumps manufacturing capacity from 10,500 MT to 25,750 MT by installing one more Submerged Arc Furnace of 5500 KVA. The project has been funded from internal accruals. IPO - 2023 - INR 40 raised INR 12.96 crores mainly for capex on 132 KV grid connection and to meet long term working capital requirement.
Tanishk_Ojha 13. SANGANI HOSPITALS Our company is promoted by Dr. Ajaykumar Natwarlal Sangani, MBBS, DLO & MS(E.N.T.)(2001), and his brother Dr. Rajeshkumar Natwarlal Sangani, MBBS & MD(general physician-2004) who have been into medical practise for more than 18 years and running hospitals at Keshod and Veraval location in Gujarat. We have grown from a single hospital to a chain of multi-specialty hospitals through organic growth. With the vision of bringing in healthcare facilities of International Standards within the reach of every individual of Gujarat. Sangani Hospital- at Keshod, Junagadh is a 36 beds multi-speciality hospital with Primary, Secondary and Tertiary care facilities. It is strategically located near Keshod Bus stand and Railway Station making it accessible to fifty-four adjacent small villages. Sangani SuperSpeciality Hospital at Veraval Taluka in Gir Somnath district is a 32 beds multi-speciality hospital which has cleared NABH (National accreditation Board for Hospital) ENTRY LEVEL with significant focus on Tertiary care facilities.
Tanishk_Ojha 14. REX PIPES And CABLES Our Company is engaged in the Trading and production/Manufacturing product range encompassing uPVC Pipes, HDPE Pipes, Wires &Cables, Fittings and abundance of accessories under the brand name "REX". The Company has also been engaged in the manufacturing of Bus Bodies under the same brand name “REX”. The brand "REX" is the hall mark showcasing the entire Product range.
Tanishk_Ojha 15. MAGSON RETAIL AND DISTRIBUTION The company is engaged in the Retail and Distribution business of gourmet, frozen food and specialty foods. IPO 2023 - INR 65 CMP - INR 88
Tanishk_Ojha 16. A K SPINTEX AKSL is one of the leading Process House for Processing of Polyester Fabric and Cotton Fabric in india.
Tanishk_Ojha 17. ACCELERATE_BS INDIA AccelerateBSi a Digital Technology Services company offering multitude of boutique technology services to our clients. We are a listed and a certified solution/service partner with Crownpeak Technology Inc (USA), Contentful (Germany) and Optimizely (London) and are also a part of the Magnet Global Network.
Tanishk_Ojha 18. COMRADE APPLIANCES Comrade Appliances Limited is engaged in manufacturing Air Coolers and Electric Geysers. Comrade Appliances Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2017 with the aim of providing high-quality OEM/ODM home appliances at affordable prices. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) products, which are available in different capacities and specifications.